With Solar Relax fault notification, you will be immediately aware of the malfunctions in your facility. Solar Relax inspects your solar energy facility for you and notifies you of any malfunction via SMS and E-mail. You can customize your SPP fault notifications according to the fault type and device you want. With Solar Relax, you can see at a glance whether there is any malfunction in your facility and how much your facilities are producing.
Received faults create a record on the system. Inverter failures occurring in your facility are automatically recorded by Solar Relax. You can access them at any time. By entering the faults other than the inverter manually, you can determine whether the fault is fixed or not, and you can keep track of the maintenance and cleaning records of your facility on Solar Relax. The data of these records are processed and transformed into tables and graphs that will help you learn your error number, error time and approximate production loss of your solar power plant in the defective process.
On the Defective Devices page, you can find out in detail with which error code the device received an error, when it received an error and why it got an error. When errors are resolved, automatic renewal process is performed by the system. But if you want, you can also intervene in your fault records yourself. These faults are automatically logged to the system.
On the fault records page, you can list your solved, unsolved or all fault records. Can search through records. You can create a fault record yourself. In the fault records you will create, you must fill in the device name, date, fault, fault description, solution, fault rating and expense fields. Later, when the fault you created is resolved, you can edit the fault and mark it as solved. It can also be viewed who created the generated faults.
By analyzing these errors, the time you lost, the number of notifications sent for the errors, the total number of breakdowns and your production loss are calculated. You can access this information on the error analysis page.